

以下隐私政策适用于向趣赢平台提供的个人信息的收集或使用, 公司. (“趣赢平台”) through this website (the “Site”). 趣赢平台 respects the privacy of every individual who visits our Site. We want you to understand what information 趣赢平台 will collect and how we will use that information. 趣赢平台将采取合理的预防措施,以维护您在访问本网站时提供的信息的机密性. 趣赢平台不会从本网站收集个人的个人信息,除非该等个人在知情的情况下明确提供,趣赢平台也不会出售个人信息, 租金, or 贸易 personal information about our users to any third party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, 趣赢平台可能会在特殊情况下披露个人信息:(1)当我们有理由相信披露该信息是必要的识别, 联系, 或对可能造成伤害或干扰(有意或无意)趣赢平台权利的人提起法律诉讼, 义务, or property; (2) when, 经过真诚的研究, we believe that the law requires it; (3) to 趣赢平台’s business associates, as necessary to provide service or information to you that you have requested; and (4) in situations involving threats to the physical safety of any person.

趣赢平台致力于保护通过其业务和研究活动获得的数据的隐私和机密性. 趣赢平台的内部和研究特定程序定期审查数据的使用,以确保其与本政策一致, the 趣赢平台 Assurance of Confidentiality of Survey Data, any individual authorization, and all applicable laws and international standards regarding privacy protection.

When you give us your personal information (such as your name, address, 电话号码, 或电邮地址), 我们不卖, 贸易, or give this information to any third party. The information about you will only be used to improve our relationship and service to you.

If you have provided us with your email address but do not want to receive email, we will respect your wishes. Just follow the “opt-out” procedure described below.


From time to time this Site may contain links to other sites. 趣赢平台 is NOT responsible for the privacy practices or the content on other websites. 趣赢平台 does not disclose unique identifiers to those responsible for any linked sites. The linked sites, however, may collect personal information from you when you enter their site. This collecting of information is not subject to 趣赢平台’s control. To ensure protection of your privacy, always review the privacy policies of the sites you visit when linking from this Site.


Although the use of cookies (i.e., 发送到您的浏览器并存储在您的计算机硬盘驱动器上以跟踪使用行为的小数据文件在互联网上很常见, 趣赢平台不使用“cookie”技术获取网站在线访问者的信息,也不将任何个人信息存储在cookie中. 某些信息可能存储在临时会话cookie中,仅用于帮助管理网站交互部分的会话.


In an effort to safeguard your personal information, 趣赢平台使用各种程序来确保您通过本网站提供给我们的信息的安全性. Your personal information is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). 我们使用SSL加密来保护在线表格和其他机密信息免受拦截和黑客攻击. 我们使用SSL是因为我们相信它提供了可靠和安全的操作基础设施以及全面的安全性, 信任, and authentication practices.

The encryption technology used does not apply to email transmissions. 因此, 如果您的通信包含敏感信息,而您不希望使用我们的安全在线表格, please 联系 us by postal mail, 快递, 电话, 或者传真,而不是电子邮件.

The content of this Site and any data provided through this Site, 包括您可以通过电子邮件信息请求表单或电子邮件信息表单发送的联系信息等信息, are housed on secure servers.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. We do not collect or maintain information at the Site from persons we know to be under age 13, and no part of our Site is designed to attract anyone under age 13. Please do not communicate with or 联系 us if you are under age 13.

How You Can Review or Correct Your Personal Information

你可以 电子邮件趣赢平台 to ask if we are keeping personal information about you that was gathered through this Site. If we do have personal information about you gathered through this Site, we will provide you with a readable copy of such personal information at no charge. Factual errors in your personal information, 包括 out-of-date information, can be corrected by sending us a request that credibly shows our error.

我们可能会拒绝或限制访问和/或删除个人信息的请求(a)在适用法律未要求或未授权的情况下, (b) when such requests would have a negative impact on the privacy of others, (c) to protect our rights and properties, or (d) where the request is frivolous or burdensome. 当我们收到您的请求时,我们可能会寻求验证您的身份,以确保您个人信息的安全.


您始终可以选择不接收我们的通信和/或不接收或维护您的个人信息(例如您的姓名), address, and/or other 联系 information that you provide when you communicate with us through this Site). 从我们的数据库中删除任何个人信息或不再接收来自趣赢平台的通信, 电子邮件趣赢平台.

Information Collected from Employment Applications and Resumes

Users may apply for employment at 趣赢平台 through the 职业生涯 section of this Site, using the systems of one of our vendors. 候选人提供的信息由我们的供应商和趣赢平台在招聘过程中收集和访问. 我们有义务收集和保留与招聘和雇用决定相关的信息,以便选择退出条款可能不适用. For additional information, please see the IBM/Kenexa 隐私政策.

Your California Privacy Rights

If you are a California resident, 关于我们使用您的个人信息,加州法律可能会赋予您额外的权利. To learn more about your California privacy rights, visit the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Privacy Notice.


This website is hosted from the United States. 位于美国以外的用户同意将其数据传输到美国,以便根据本隐私政策进行处理和使用. The data you provide may be processed for any lawful purpose, 包括, 例如, the specific purpose for which you have consented; performance of a contract or to enter into a contract with you; compliance with a legal obligation; protection of your or another natural person’s vital interests; performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority; or the legitimate interests of the data controller or of a third party, provided that individual interests, 基本权利, and freedoms do not override those legitimate interests after reasonable consideration.

Revisions to this Privacy Policy

随着本网站新功能的添加或隐私法律和标准的发展,趣赢平台可能会随时修订本隐私政策. We will post those changes prominently, but we recommend that you read this 隐私政策 each time you visit the Site.

Last Updated: March 29, 2024


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